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Getting the best Yoga classes

You can still find affordable and interesting yoga studios at any number of locations in Noida or gurgaon, from India to up-and-coming contemporary destinations like Rishikeesh. Finding the right yoga class for you depends on a number of factors, including your current fitness level, any injuries you may have, your specific style of yoga, and whether you plan to attend every session.

Sometimes taking the classes individually with a class teacher can help you take the best kind of classes. Anda Beark, an accredited yoga instructor based in India, highlights the following key things to consider when deciding which yoga class to attend.


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A small or personal studio is the place for you if you are looking for a low-stress kind of workout. It is important that there is some sort of dialogue between the class teacher and the class attendees, so that they can all take into account the class teacher’s perspective and thus are able to plan best for you. It is difficult to develop a good rapport with someone who is teaching from a remote location, so it is important that you establish a connection with the instructor during your training. Regardless of where the class is held, never make excuses for why you cannot join the group. The class teacher will always make it possible, as long as they feel that the class can accommodate you.


Your current fitness level and desired results will also dictate whether you are better suited for one class over another. If you can only manage one or two classes a week, but are serious about getting healthier and fitter, take one of the beginner classes. They may not offer as much as the more advanced classes that require more physical effort, but they are easy to get into, since the classes are only three or four minutes long. However, if you are looking to improve your overall health and have a greater range of motion, you might be better off choosing a more advanced yoga class that takes about 30-40 minutes to complete. If the group size is greater, the classes will likely be of a higher caliber and more challenging, which is beneficial for many more participants.

Chances are that you will see more faces in the group when choosing which class to attend. This does not necessarily mean that your quality of practice will be negatively affected, but this gives you some idea of what you will be facing. When going it alone, your chances of getting stuck with a bad teacher or being unable to get a good view are greatly reduced.

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The class is the biggest issue in choosing the right yoga class, and it is very important that you prepare yourself properly. When considering the type of yoga you are interested in, there are several different approaches that will most likely suit you. For example, individuals with more flexibility and lower back pain tend to prefer downward dog. Similarly, individuals with stronger shoulders or shoulders that haven’t progressed are likely to prefer standing forward or supine pose. It is important to pick a class that suits you, with the intention of getting the best possible workout.

Moreover, choosing the right class may require some strategy. You may be able to find some classes that offer an evening or weekend class, or if one is closed and classes on weekends are always full, it may be easier to find a smaller class that you like, instead of the larger classes. Each class is unique in its own way, so it is important to keep in mind each aspect of your yoga exercise. It is likely that you will find a yoga class that suits your current health level and whether you plan to attend every single class in the future.